

An image of Dr. A. Sreekumar

Dr. A. Sreekumar

Founder Director, Soukhya Foundation


An image of Dr. Kamal Karl

Dr. Kamal Karl

Vice President, ACNEM, Australia


An image of Dr. Shekhar Naik R

Dr. Shekhar Naik R

HoD, Dept. of FSN, Yuvaraja’s College, Mysuru

An image of Prof. Dr. Ushy Mohandas

Prof. Dr. Ushy Mohandas

CEO, Dr. Ushy’s Wisdom Works Founder, The Mind Workshop

Chief Patron

An image of Prof. G. Hemanth Kumar

Prof. G Hemanth Kumar

Vice Chancellor, UoM, Mysuru


An image of the maharaja of Mysore

His Highness Yaduveer Krishnadatta Chamaraja Wadiyar

27th Custodian of Royal House of Mysuru

An image of Prof. Rangappa K S

Prof. K. S. Rangappa

Former Vice Chancellor, UoM, Mysuru

An image of Prof. Dr. S. N. Hegde

Prof. Dr. S. N. Hegde

Former Vice Chancellor, UoM, Mysuru

An image of Dr. Shivappa R

Dr. Shivappa R

Registrar, UoM, Mysuru

An image of Dr. Rudraiah

Dr. Rudraiah

Principal, Yuvaraja’s College, Mysuru

Scientific Advisory

An image of Prof. Dr. Jamuna Prakash

Prof. Dr. Jamuna Prakash

Former Professor, UoM, Mysuru

An image of Dr. L. N. Shenoy

Dr. L. N. Shenoy

Asst. Director, State Ayurveda Research Centre

An image of Dr. B. R. Pai

Dr. B. R. Pai

VWF Foundation, Mysuru

An image of Mr. Vishwanath S

Mr. Vishwanath Sheshachala

Founder Director, ICAN-FT

Advisory Board

An image of Dr. Bhaskaran V

Dr. Baskaran V

President, AFSTI and Head, Biochemistry and Nutrition, CFTRI

An image of Dr. D. D. Wadikar

Dr. D. D. Wadikar

Secretary, AFSTI and Scientist, DFRL, Mysuru

An image of Dr. Harish Prashanth

Dr. Harish Prashanth

Joint Secretary, AFSTI & Senior Scientiest, CFTRI

An image of Dr. Naveen S

Dr. Naveen Sheshachala

Treasurer Designate, AFSTI, and Scientist C DFRL, Mysuru

Dr. Devaraja Gowda

Administrative officer, Yuvarajas College

Dr. Chandra Nayak

Principal scientist & Co ordinator UPE, UOM

Organizing Secretaries

An image of Dr. Mahesh M S

Dr. Mahesh M S

Assistant Professor,
Food Science & Nutrition, Yuvaraja's College

An image of Mrs. Hima Bindu

Mrs. Hima Bindu

An image of Mrs. Lacitha R C

Mrs. Lacitha R C